
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Slacker or Worker: the new look of PR

I want to take a little bit of a detour from water conservation to talk about social media.  I know, I know, this isn’t why you’re reading this blog, BUT, I have found that within our office, it’s become a huge topic of discussion.  I’ve forced myself into the forefront of social media on behalf of the Athens-Clarke County Water Conservation Office, and sometimes I wonder if I’ve jumped in over my head.
What I mean is I’ve had zero professional training.  I’ve taken zero classes on PR, marketing, journalism, or any other subject that would be remotely useful for expanding social media expertise.  And yet, here I am, forcing my way into this foreign world of computers and instant communication.  I’ve dragged my coworkers and bosses with me: better to make a journey like this with a team than to make it alone, I’m thankful for the support Team Water has given me.

But. There’s always a “but,” isn’t there? 

Though we’ve taken a huge step forward into the world of technology, we’re still creatures of habit.  We still view Facebook as a procrastination tool, as something that is not productive, that doesn’t classify as “work.”  We still feel uncomfortable with Twitter, with the idea that constantly tweeting, retweeting, and reading tweets is actually doing something worth being paid for.  Blogging still feels like writing in a journal, not connecting with a public that is genuinely interested in what our office is doing, and why it matters.  Pinterest sounds like another time-waster, not something useful for expanding your brand recognition.  I could go on, but you get the picture.

So what’s the deal?  Why am I complaining about sitting on Facebook and getting paid to do it?  Well…because I’m struggling with seeing it as acceptable.  

But it is.  

It’s very clear that Twitter and Facebook have done lots of work in furthering our conservation message.  Those of you that are on Facebook, Twitter, and the blog-o-sphere for fun DO see our conservation messages, our links, our photos, our events, our tweets, and (hopefully), they get you thinking about our water supply.  A huge part of our responsibility as the Water Conservation Office is outreach: getting across the importance of our Athens water, and the wise use of it.  How are messages received in today’s world?  Through TweetDeck, your Facebook inbox, and those handy apps on your phone.  That alone, I think, gives me permission to use those tools to speak to you.

Last “but,” I promise.  But what do you think?  Do you think I’m playing around all day?  Do you think this is a valuable endeavor?  Do you benefit from my incessant communication?  The most important thing I want to keep in mind during all these outreach efforts is: is this actually working?  Are those that I am speaking to actually listening?  If not, how can I change what I’m doing?  I do want to hear from you, my readers.  If I get responses, I’ll formulate a follow-up post with your ideas, thoughts, and I’ll give credit where credit is due.  So please tell me: what do you think?

Annaliese Ashley-Intern

1 comment:

  1. Anni,

    I think that the most difficult part of reaching out to the community through social media is competing against everyone else who is trying to do the same thing. That may or may not be something that you will be able to overcome, *but* (to put it in a business perspective) you always have to think about who your readers (consumers) are and who you're competing against for our time. How are you going to stand out in the world of Blogs and Twitter? A good friend of mine who works as a Digital Strategist at Ogilvy in Atlanta told me that you have to tweet at least 17 times a day to get the outreach that you want through social media. Much of her job involves repeatedly staying consistent and relevant in the digital world.

    To take it a step further, how are you going to stay relevant to an older generation (Veterans or Boomers) who may not use Twitter or know about blogs? I think the initial challenge is actually getting the word out there about what you're trying to do. This is a fairly new channel that businesses are utilizing, so most people don't know about it yet. You have to spread the word however you can, then keep your readers interested with engaging topics and facilitated discussions. I hope I have shared some thought provoking challenges!



We would love to hear your interested, honest, and respectful thoughts!