
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Water Restriction What?

Okay, so…did you know there are watering restrictions?

I’ve always been a little hazy on what that means, how serious the repercussions are for not following them, etc etc.  I’m from southwest Georgia, and we’ve been in a drought pretty much my entire life: there have always been watering restrictions to follow…but I was never sure what they were. 

I’d assume my family followed them--our grass is usually browner than our neighbors’--but who knows.
Like I’ve said before, I have learned a lot about water conservation…and how important it is…this summer.  So, now, if someone were to ask me: ‘are there watering restrictions?’ I’d tell them, ‘Ah, yes, most definitely, and you should be following them so we don’t run out of water.’

They’re pretty easy to find, if you know where to look.  I didn’t, so I asked my bosses, and they directed me to, which has a link called “outdoor water use schedule” that I’ve included here.  This schedule explains when and how it’s legal to water your lawn, or use water to wash cars, etc. 
The most interesting thing I found is that for the most part, the things we use water for are only allowed on Sunday or Saturday (if you’re an even address).  Even then, it’s not legal to water your lawn (using sprinklers) between 10am-4pm.  The hour restriction is probably the most important thing about these regulations: 10am-4pm are the hottest times of the day… so it makes sense to not water your lawn during a time with high water loss due to evaporation.  

When I was growing up, I only remember my sprinklers coming on late in the evening, maybe 10 or 11pm.  It makes sense, right?  Wait until it is cooler so the water you’re using stays on the grass instead of being pulled into the air.  It keeps your water on your lawn and keeps your grass greener—which I’m pretty sure is the point of watering your lawn anyway ;)

The regulations seem pretty tricky at first, but it’s really not, once you think about it.  The information is printable too, so you can print it out to post by your sprinkler controls.

Moreover, ACC Water Conservation Office has also provided tips on how to not be a water waster.”  Our drought is severe enough that the county government has passed an ordinance to protect our water!  Water wasters can be fined now, so it’s important for everything to be clear.

Some of the big ways that water is wasted (how’s that for alliteration?) are 1) allowing sprinklers to water the sidewalks instead of the yard, 2) not checking/fixing sprinkler leaks or broken heads, and 3) hosing off your sidewalk/driveway instead of sweeping or using a blower.  

I never thought about it like that.  I didn’t; I knew the drought was serious, but I never considered how much thought the government—local and state—put into trying to prevent water waste.

It’s nice to know that even something as little as waiting until the sun goes down to water your plants can help keep Athens healthy and hydrated.

Annaliese Ashley-Intern

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